Kristina finished straightening up the exam room then made her way toward the waiting area. It was empty for a change. She had never worked in a dentist office that was always so busy. Margaret told her the half the patients were still coming to check her out and the other half were there to check out Dr. Cantu. Not that she could blame them. He was worth checking out. The past three weeks had been difficult for her to remember the real reason why she was here.
Exhaling deeply, she went to the patient schedule to make sure everyone had been marked off. Thankfully it hadn’t been too bad today with Margaret being out sick. Then again it was only lunchtime. To say there was still tension between her and her new boss was putting it lightly.
She left the waiting area and went back medical records room. After she unlocked the door she stepped inside and walked over to the stack of files beckoning to her. She opened the file on top and gave it a cursory glance to make sure everything she needed was inside of it, then filed the chart inside the cabinet.
Her spine stiffened and she bit her lip contemplating whether she should answer Robert or not. He was sure to find her anyway. The office wasn’t that big. Yet she wanted to avoid him at all cost. She picked up another chart and released a pent up breath.
“I’m in here.”
“The filing room.”
A few seconds later she heard the sound of his footsteps and he appeared in the door with his heart-stopping smile in place.
“If you are almost done maybe we can go out and grab a bite to eat.”
Kristina glanced at him sharply, only breaking eye contact when the file in her hand slipped to the floor. She snapped out of her moment of stupefaction. Stooping to pick up the file she waved him away when he went to assist her. She gathered the file and stood up, placing the file on the counter, and looked up at him.
“No thank you.”
His smile widened and she did her best not to roll her eyes. She was sure his charm worked on other women. Actually she knew it did. She watched the female patients wither under his smile all day. She refused to be one of those women.
“Why not?”
Her dark brow arched and she turned to face him, crossing her arms over her chest. “Believe me I have two good reasons but I have a question for you first.”
He rested his hip against the counter and folding his arms across his chest. She tried not to focus on his impressive biceps. He gave a slight nod.
“Go ahead.”
“Do all women drop to their knees and become your willing servant when you flash your grin?”
He chuckled and this time she didn’t refrain from rolling her eyes. The man was too cocky and with good reason. Still she meant what she said earlier. Being a woman who fell for a man with an irresistible smile wouldn’t be good for her right now.
“Well I can tell by your reaction the answer is yes. Now let me give you the two reasons why I never will have lunch with you, and for that matter breakfast, brunch, afternoon snack, dinner, or midnight snack. One you have an insufferable amount of self-confidence. Secondly, your smile infuriates me.”
Without giving him the opportunity to respond, she went back to looking through the file she had retrieved. She gasped when he reached for the file and pushed it aside before stepping closing to her. He pinned her body against his and the counter. She looked him dead in the eye trying not to tremble the way she wanted to. She didn’t know which was harder, the counter or his body. He leaned closer to her and she caught a whiff of his minty smelling breath.
“First off there is nothing wrong with having self-confidence.”
Her eyebrows rose high on her forehead. Robert Cantu really was something else.
“Secondly I just asked you to lunch and lunch only, as a co-worker. I get tired of eating by myself sometimes and with you being new in town I thought it might be the same for you.”
He leaned closer to her and she hated how well their bodies seem to fit together. His lips were moving and she realized he was speaking and she had no idea what he was saying. She blinked slowly and forced herself to pay attention.
“I won’t even waste my breath on trying to defend my smile because I know that it would just be ignored by you anyway.”
She brought her hands up to push against his chest. “You are right and-”
Kristina didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence because Robert’s face neared hers and he captured her mouth in a searing kiss. She tried to resist his kiss by remaining immobile and pushing against his shoulders but it didn’t deter him.
Maybe she should just let him kiss her. She would be able to get him out of her system if she did. Then they could stop avoiding each other, the attraction that had been there between them from day one. She was almost embarrassed to admit her attraction to him was stronger than the attraction she had felt for Warren. So she gave in and relaxed against him.
He just deepened the kiss and slowly she responded to him. His tongue swept inside her mouth and her hands slowly slid upward around his neck. Robert Cantu definitely knew how to kiss. His demanding kiss sent a tremor through her so intense if his body hadn’t been pinning her to the counter she would have slid to the floor.
Strong, overpowering feelings raced through her. She moaned softly as he deepened the kiss with bold sweeps of his tongue, capturing the sounds she made. He claimed her mouth for his own. A claim she shouldn’t allow to make, wouldn’t allow him to make.
His hands slid down her waist and pulled her against him. A second later she felt his hand cup her round bottom in his hands and gathered her even closer. She gasped when she came into contact with his bourgeoning erection. He arched into her bringing her more snuggly against him.
His taste was different, unique in a way, which made her crave more. He drew her tongue into his mouth, sucking gently, passionately, sending desire rushing through her entire body. He drove her insane with desire.
Longing flooded her making her moan again in pleasure. She could never recall feeling this way when Warren kissed her. He broke off the kiss and she slumped against him. She gasped trying to draw in a deep breath, realizing that one kiss hadn’t gotten him out of her system.
Pushing against him she tried to create space. He released her and she moved away but he followed her cornering her against the wall. She put her arms out and he stopped.
“We shouldn’t have done that.” Her voice was shaky and more uncertain than she wanted it to be.
“Why not? We both wanted it. It would have happened eventually,” he replied in a low, husky voice.
Her body still quivered from his kiss and she had to look away from him. His gaze was too intense, too knowing. Studying her in a way that made certain parts of her get hot.
His extreme self-confidence began to irritate her again because she knew he could afford to be. She shook her head.
“No it wouldn’t have and it shouldn’t have.” She took a deep breath and forced her body to straighten itself from the wall she was using to hold herself upright. “It will never happen again. I have dated a man like you before with disastrous results. I learn from my mistakes the first time. You are trouble, plain and clear.”
Robert’s eyes darkened and his face tightened in anger. He raked his hand through his hair impatiently.
“I have told you once before I’m not anything like the guy you seem to want to compare me to. I would think a woman like yourself wouldn’t be the type to jump to conclusions without having all of the information first. However you are right Kristina. I am trouble and I plan to show you just how much.”
With that he turned and left. She stood there in shock her mouth gaping open. He had just turned her whole existence upside down with one kiss. His ominous warning didn’t help any. It was hard enough as it was to come into work daily and try to ignore him.
Knowing that she wasn’t going to be able to finish filing the charts she ignored them and headed toward the room where her purse was locked up. She grabbed her purse and headed for the waiting room. Robert was nowhere to be found and when she looked outside his truck was gone.
She wasn’t really hungry but she was going to go to the Tex-Mex place she had become addicted to. The aroma alone would be enough to motivate her to eat.
She locked up the office and walked toward her car. On the way to the restaurant, she surfed different radio stations to see what all was offered. She settled on a radio station that was playing an upbeat song.
Pulling into the parking lot she sighed softly and tried to steady her nerves. A quick look at her reflection in the mirror told her she looked a lot calmer than she felt.
She slid from the car and walked inside recognizing a face or two from the dentist office. She waved in their direction and made her way to the counter to place her order. Thankfully it didn’t take her long to get her order and she took her tray and maneuvered herself into a quiet corner. All she wanted was time to be by herself and gather her thoughts before she got back to the office. She still had a half a day to get through. Unfortunately her solitude didn’t last long for a shadow appeared over her.
She looked up at the attractive stranger happy that it wasn’t Robert but wanting to get rid of the man in front of her no less.
“Do you mind if I join you?”
Her eyes widened slightly and she made a point to look at all of the empty chairs around her before settling her gaze back on him.
“In case you didn’t notice there are plenty of empty tables around me.”
He gave her an unsure smile and shrugged. “I know but I hate eating lunch alone and you look like you could use some company.”
Her left brow rose. “Actually I thought I was looking the exact opposite.”
He chuckled. “Give me a break. I’m a nice guy I swear.”
Her brow lowered slightly and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “That’s what you all say.”
He laughed. “Do we?”
She studied him for a moment. He seemed harmless enough. What harm could come of letting him join her for a brief lunch? She didn’t have to do anything, more than talking that was. Besides he was nice looking enough and he didn’t seem to rub her the way that Robert did. Releasing a deep breath she smiled and motioned for him to join her.
“Please have a seat.”
He sat down across from her and she picked up her fork. “By the way, yes, you all say you are nice.”
He took his food off his tray. “I assume a few of those guys have turned out to be dishonest?”
She picked up her fork and focused her gaze on her food. “They all have been dishonest.”
He remained silent and she took a few bites of her food. When she looked up he was studying her. He offered her a smile.
“Thanks for letting me join you. I’m Brice by the way.”
She smiled in returned. “I’m Kristina.”
He offered his hand and she took it. “A pleasure to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you as well, ” he responded before releasing her hand. “So tell me where you are from.”
“How do you know I’m not from here?”
He shook his head. “I can just tell. Being a native of San Angelo I know when a person isn’t from around here.”
She took a sip of her soda. “Well you are right. I’m not from here but from nearby. I was born and raised in Abilene.”
He nodded. “Not far at all. So what brings you here?”
He nodded and a few moments of silence lagged between them. Finally he spoke again.
“Do you like what you do?”
She nodded. “Yes I do. What about yourself?”
Brice nodded. “Yes I do.”
Silence lapsed between them again and Kristina focused on eating. Maybe if she ate she would be able to think clearly. She looked across the table at the man who had joined her and studied him openly. He was a nice looking guy who happened to look very comfortable in his T-shirt and jeans. She like the way he had the front tucked into his pants to show off his belt buckle. Still he seemed to pale in comparison to Robert.
She groaned under her breath. Why was she comparing the two men? Neither were what she needed right now.
“So are you seeing anyone?”
Her gaze jerked up to his. There was open interest in his eyes and she shook her head. “No and nor am I looking to be.”
His smile slipped a little and she sighed. The way she sounded right now he probably wouldn’t be interested in her for long.
“Look it’s not you. I just moved into town and I am not long removed from a bad relationship. I’m not ready to get back out there yet. At least not until I get situated.”
His expression changed to one full of understanding. “So do you think there is a chance we could after you get situated?”
She opened her mouth to say no but no sound came out. She was worse off than she originally thought. Closing her mouth she cleared her throat and tried again.
“Let’s just say we will see.”
He grinned giving her a good view of the sexy dimple in his right check. “I will take maybe over no.”
She smiled and found herself enjoying the rest of their conversation. Several moments later he glanced down at his watch before looking back up at her with an apologetic expression.
“I hate to run but I have to get back to work.”
He reached into his wallet and pulled out a card sliding it across the table to her. “But feel free to call me once you get situated or if you just happen to need a tour guide before then.”
She took his business card and looked down at it then back at him. She liked the idea that he gave her his information without any pressure to give him hers in return.
“I definitely will.”
Kristina watched as Brice stood up and gathered up his trash. He graced her with another broad smile.
“Enjoy the rest of your day.”
She nodded. “You do the same.”
She watched him walk toward the trashcan. If she weren’t still so distracted by Robert’s kiss she would be able to completely focus on the fact that Brice was not only good-looking but he was nicely built. She shook her head. This was the last thing that should be on her mind. Looking down at her own watch she grimaced. It was time for her to head back as well. She wasn’t ready to face Robert but she didn’t have a choice.
After she finished her food she picked up her own trash and threw it away before exiting the restaurant and making toward her car. The drive back to work wasn’t long enough.
Spotting Robert’s truck in parking lot caused her to groan. Shutting off the ignition she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could do four more hours. Opening her eyes slowly she released her breath then slid out of her car.
She made her way inside and cringed at the sound of Robert’s voice. She couldn’t see him but she could hear him. Letting him kiss her had been a major mistake. Well it was done now and she would have to live with it. She locked her purse away and walked back into the waiting room glad that it was still empty.
Her joy was short lived when the front door to the office swung open and woman around and her child walked in. The first thing she noticed about the little girl was she had a pretty smile. The second was the little girl was beautiful. She smiled at both of them.
“Good afternoon. How can I help you today?”
The woman before her bestowed her with a kind smile. “My name is Leslie and this is my daughter Jessica. We are both here for our 1:00 p.m. appointment.”
Kristina picked up the appointment sheet and smiled. “Yes, a cleaning and check-up. Give me a moment to let Dr. Cantu know you are here.”
“Thank you.”
Kristina turned and went to the back of the office. She wasn’t ready to come face-to-face with Robert again but it would only be for a moment. She would take one patient and he would take the other. If all of the patients scheduled to come in showed up she wouldn’t be alone with him again until it was time to go home. By then she would be able to race out the door.
She found Robert in his office reviewing a chart. He looked up when she stopped in the doorway and she averted her gaze. Not brave enough to face his inquisitive gaze.
“Our 1:00 p.m. appointments are here.”
“Okay. I will be right out.”
She turned to leave his office and made her way back to the waiting area. She marked Leslie and Jessica off of the appointment sheet and waited for Robert. He showed up a few moments later and she was surprised at the bright smile that appeared on his face. The little girl who had been holding on to her mom’s hand tightly suddenly let it go and ran into Robert’s arms as he knelt down. He placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Hey Jessica.”
“Hi daddy Robert.”
Kristina paused at the statement. Clearly there was an explanation behind the words. One she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. She kept her expression pleasant, watching the interaction between the two of them.
“Every time I see you, you are prettier.”
Jessica giggled. “Thank you.”
Kristina watched Robert brush a strand out hair out of the little girls face. Wondering what his relationship was to her. It was definitely more than Doctor and patient.
“So are you ready to have your teeth cleaned today?”
Jessica nodded. “Yes.”
Robert stood again and clasped Jessica’s hand in his. He finally looked up at her and Leslie.
“I will take Jessica and you can take Leslie.”
Kristina nodded and watched Robert walk off with the little girl. He was back to being all business. The strange thing was his post kiss behavior bothered her. She wanted to know he was still affected by it like she was. She felt like she was straddling a fence of indecisiveness and she needed to figure out which side she wanted to be on . . . and quick.