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- Plagiarism is the New Black
Plagiarism is the New Black
- By Tracy Ames
- Published May 13, 2011
- Must Reads
- Rating:

"Well, I guess I've finally made it. Now, I’m used to having my work plagiarized....but this is the first time someone has tried to make money off my stuff. I just found out, that several of my stories have been stolen by some supposed "author" named Elizabeth Summers, and are on sale on Amazon in Kindle form for 6.99 a pop.
So far, she has stolen my stories Weekend at Sonja's, Dirty Little Secret, Kiss My Ass, Anal at last, and The Dirtier, the Better. She also has numerous other stories for sale that are no doubt stolen as well from other authors. Here is link for one of my blatantly stolen stories [Click Here] The thief even used the exact tagline from the story posted on another site."
This is the message, DamonX, a well-known online writer, posted few weeks ago on a shared forum. This single post opened a watershed of scam, corruption, and boldfaced lies on the part of the supposed ‘author’ and Amazon. A crook going by the name ‘Elizabeth Summers’ has stolen over sixty-five stories written and posted by writers on free online forums and sites. To add insult to serious injury, she then went on to publish the pilfered work through Kindle Direct Publishing and sell it via Amazon Digital Services. That’s right, she’s hiding behind Amazon, which as most of you are aware, makes her virtually impervious.
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is taking the writings or literary ideas of another and selling and/or publishing them as one's own writing.
The sheer audacity of this woman knows no bounds. She not only lifted DamonX’s content, titles, and tags but she published it verbatim! Obviously we’re dealing with pure genius, folks. Well, in this case, our master thief's ignorance is her undoing, as DamonX has more than sufficient proof of rightful authorship. Still, this illegal re-branding of work doesn't rest entirely on ‘Elizabeth Summers’ shoulders. It is occurring in record numbers, more than I can stomach to mention. Below is another forum post which followed DamonX’s headline:
Writers, please be aware of some other erotica thieves selling stories on Amazon (I got this info off another message board). There is some speculation that they may all be the same person using different 'pen names' but you might want to check to see if you recognize any of your stories, or those of your friends. Apparently they occasionally use the tagline as the title, so just fyi. [Click Names Below]
Louise Taylor
Victoria Anderson
Kelly Jordan
Speculate no more, my friends. These are three more ‘authors’ who have stolen work from free sites and are selling on Amazon. Feel sick yet? There’s more. Amazon has washed their hands of the matter…aka, they can’t be held accountable nor are they obliged to remove the copyrighted material. Per Kindle Direct Publishing Terms and Conditions. Last Updated: April 21, 2011
6 Ownership and Control of Amazon Properties/ Feedback. Subject to the authorizations you grant to us under this Agreement, as between us and you, you retain all ownership rights in and to the copyrights and all other rights and interest in and to your Digital Books. We retain all ownership rights in and to the copyrights and all other rights and interests in and to the Program and the Amazon Properties.
5.8 Representations, Warranties and Indemnities. You represent and warrant that: (a) you have the full right, power and authority to enter into and fully perform this Agreement and will comply with the terms of this Agreement; (b) prior to you or your designee's delivery of any content, you will have obtained all rights that are necessary for the exercise the rights granted under this Agreement; (c) neither the exercise of the rights authorized under this Agreement nor any materials embodied in the content nor its sale or distribution as authorized in this Agreement will violate or infringe upon the intellectual property, proprietary or other rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, contractual rights, copyrights, trademarks, common law rights, rights of publicity, or privacy, or moral rights….
5.7 Rights Clearances and Rights Dispute Resolution. You will obtain and pay for any and all necessary clearances and licenses for the Digital Books to permit our exercise of the rights granted under this Agreement without any further payment obligation by us, including, without limitation, all royalties and other income due to any copyright owner.
To put it succinctly, by separating themselves from the actual ownership rights and by retaining rights to Kindle Publishing and Amazon Properties, Amazon has laid the responsibility of infringement at the door of the ‘authors’. Therefore they assume all rights below to the ‘author’; they aren’t liable to defend the rightful owners interest (pull the material offline); nor, according to their confidentiality policy, in any way obliged to assist the aggrieved party in locating or contacting the thief by supplying them with any helpful information (email, addresses or other contact info).
To put it more succinctly, you’re fucked! The only way to get your hands on this information is through a court ordered subpoena. In the meantime, Amazon has a Copyright Agency however, per the policy*:
“Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Amazon that your copyrighted material has been infringed.”
Again, nothing HAS to be done. They’re not obligated to remove the material—which they don’t! You see, this is about money. These scam artists are publishing through Amazon, which places Amazon at odds with their own interest if they remove the work. BUT by clearly stating in their terms and conditions that they aren’t responsible for gross violations of copyright laws, their hands are clean. In short, the books keep selling and your infringement claims go nowhere.
How can Amazon and the ‘authors’ get away with this?
Simple: No one has called them to the carpet. No one has stood up to them and/or demanded change. No one has openly discussed the situation and rallied public support. I find it both fascinating and disturbing that since undertaking this project countless writers (published and unpublished) have stepped forward with legitimate cases. Which begs the questions, why isn’t anyone speaking out? Where do the publishers stand on this matter? Has Amazon become a haven for legalized theft?
Writing is a passion, but like most passions, it’s very hard work. We spend great swaths of time in studious contemplation, whittling our thoughts into coherent prose. We pour our hearts and souls into our words. Our work is just that; our work. For us, each finished piece equates to tearing open our chests and offering our throbbing hearts for public criticism. Plagiarism is the unbridled rape and pillage of our very being.
And as for the reader purchasing said property: You’re being sold a bill of goods! You’re being swindled out of your hard earned cash and being insulted in the process. I imagine ‘Elizabeth Summers’ kicking back with your money thinking, “If those idiots would’ve surfed the net, they could’ve had these stories for free. The fools!!” *Cue evil laughter*
Make no mistake about it, by lifting freely given intellectual property from unpublished writers for the sole purpose of remuneration, ‘Elizabeth Summers’ and her gaggle of fuckwits have proven themselves to be parasitic vultures of the lowest order and enemies of anyone who has ever picked up a pen. This must be stopped!

Since this story broke there has been an enormous outpouring of support and generosity from the literary community. But there is still much more to be done. We’re calling on you (readers, bloggers, authors, and publishers) to bring attention to this issue. Let’s bring Amazon out from behind closed doors. I urge you to repost this article to your blogs, sites, forums, newsletters, and book clubs. Please disseminate this article to any and everyone who will listen. Go to Amazon and call bullshit like others have done. It’s high time this miscarriage of justice was given a voice.
For your review and to those who would doubt the validity of DamonX’s claim, below you will find the links to his work and those corresponding with those ‘Elizabath Summers’ has published through Amazon under identical titles. Given the fact that she’s a prolific thief, we’re certain there are other stories published under re-branded titles. I've included the entire URL threads because readers in Asia had trouble using hyperlinks.
Dirty Little Secret by DamonX
Elizabeth Summers stolen work: http://www.amazon.com/Adult-Erotic-fantasies-Little-ebook/dp/B003VD1GHE/ref=sr_1_33?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1303590332&sr=1-33
The Dirtier the Better by DamonX
Elizabeth Summers stolen work: http://www.amazon.com/Adult-Erotic-fantasies-Dirtier-ebook/dp/B003VD21C8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1303590160&sr=1-1
Anal at Last by DamonX
Elizabeth Summers stolen work: http://www.amazon.com/Adult-Erotic-fantasies-Anal-ebook/dp/B003VD1IZ4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1303590107&sr=1-1
Party at Sonya's by DamonX
Elizabeth Summers stolen work: http://www.amazon.com/Adult-Erotic-fantasies-Weekend-ebook/dp/B003VD1GF6/ref=sr_1_52?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1303590419&sr=1-52
Click for the complete author profile for DamonX
DamonX's stories are published on Erotic Stories, Literotica, Lush, and other online venues.
For published authors tempted to say, "Gosh, that's terrible" and thank your lucky stars it isn't you strung over the barrel, remember this: Today may not be your day, but tomorrow may very well be. Now ask yourself, who will rally under your banner?
Thank you...please feel free to repost.

Useful Information:
Protect your work from plagiarism:
How To Protect Your Website's Copyright When Someone Steals Your Content
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
*Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement (From Amazon)
If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Amazon.com's copyright agent the written information specified below. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Amazon that your copyrighted material has been infringed.
1. An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest;
2. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon;
3. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site, including the auction ID number, if applicable;
4. Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
5. A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
6. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Amazon.com's Copyright Agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement on its site can be reached as follows:
Copyright Agent
Amazon.com Legal Department
P.O. Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108
phone: (206) 266-4064
fax: (206) 266-7010
e-mail: [email protected]
**UPDATE MAY 17th**
Great news, Damon's material has been removed from Amazon. The other work has NOT. Click for details and to read Amazon's reply to Damon.
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The coronavirus caused the number of prostitutes to increase
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Ex-working girl Nika returned to her profession 5 years after giving it up: “It’s not easy to come back and face exactly the same issues as 5 years ago, but I have no other choices as I need money for the living”. After several weeks on the streets, Nika luckily decided to give a try to online services and published her profile on the site Pander. But many putas from poor districts have no access to the Internet, street and roadside pickups remaining the sole opportunity for them.The statistic shows that 40% of former prostitutes came back to this profession to get some resources for themselves and their families, and 20% had used sex-service as a part-time job before the quarantine. Losing jobs due to hotels and restaurants closure has made waitresses and chambermaids take up prostitution as a stable source of income. But to see hundreds of young housewives that went to the streets because the quarantine had caused their husbands to lose their jobs is sadly surprising. Prostitution has become their way to make ends meet – to buy food and pay the rent.
Hardships of sex-service
Up to a half of streetwalkers remain empty-handed at the end of the day. The competition in this business is very high and clients nowadays are very concerned about getting infected. Girls get charged by the pimps that provide them security and act as mediators during pickups. Things are a bit easier for the prostitutes from brothels as there are still plenty of visitors, but the downside that the bigger share of the girl’s earning is taken by the establishment.Serving men in cars and dark alleys is an additional risk the girls working in this field have to face. The chance of stumbling upon aggressive clients that can take her away from the city and then resort to violence is far from being ghostly. But Mexico COVID-19 record prevalence rates leave no other way to solve the question of regular income for thousands of girls.
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49 Responses to "Plagiarism is the New Black" 
said this on 13 May 2011 7:42:33 AM CDT
of course Amazon will cover their butt, let's pass the buck. literotica.com, seems to be the go to site for the thieves
said this on 14 May 2011 3:38:50 PM CDT
JJ, I don't know much about Literotica but a number people have echoed your sentiment. Are writers lifting each others work and reposting it on the same site? What's going on?
said this on 13 May 2011 7:46:59 AM CDT
Thanks for this information. The links you provided to Copyscape and Time for Blogging were also very helpful.
Another concern of mine is the pirate sites that give away our work for free or sell them to their "membership." Even if you can get them to remove your copyrighted work, forget about shutting down their enterprise, because even if they close shop today, they'll be open again next week with a new URL. I'll definitely share this information with others. |
said this on 14 May 2011 4:13:47 PM CDT
You're more than welcome and thanks for spreading the word.
Scribd.com is just such a site. I found a number of my pal's work there. I tipped off AJ Llewellyn when I saw his book and he had it removed but I don't know how he did it. If you find your work there, you may want to reach out to him. Whatever he did worked! But you're right; the pirate sites are extremely difficult to pin down, and large amount of traffic they receive doesn't help. |
said this on 16 May 2011 12:18:44 PM CDT
just had several individuals give a heads up about the scribed website.
this is a d*mn shame. |
said this on 13 May 2011 6:01:46 PM CDT
My review on amazon is not going to get published because I called Elizabeth a fraud
said this on 14 May 2011 10:37:13 AM CDT
Hi Vicki... I put reviews on all these stories as soon as they were discovered. I also didn't think that Amazon would publish a review calling the author a thief and a fraud. But they did. I would encourage others to leave similar reviews on these stories as well as the others she has lifted. At the very least, potential buyers will see these reviews and hopefully chose not to buy the story from "Elizabeth Summers"... ie. If you affect the profits, then could this possibly deter the thief from continuing to steal stories to make a buck? It's a small thing we can do, but let's rally to work within the system to stop these sales! Post those scathing reviews! Amazon is allowing them!
said this on 14 May 2011 4:35:39 PM CDT
It bugs the living hell out of me that I can’t (because of the nature of the business) kick more doors in. Ashleigh, thanks for your tireless effort. Collecting link, info, rallying the minions…you’ve gone above and beyond. |
said this on 16 May 2011 1:00:33 PM CDT
That is brilliant. |
said this on 13 May 2011 7:40:37 PM CDT
Holy crap Tracy! First, I wasted my cash on law school, I only have to read your posts. Second, Mr. Ames I am sure is on the case. Third, who's ass do you want us to beat?
I am glad you are getting this out there. The business side to story writing is so grimey and it seems at every turn the author is left completely unprotected. Who am I kidding? Business is grimey. Shit! Now I'm pissed that I just bought a Kindle. |
said this on 14 May 2011 4:43:52 PM CDT
Lady, this is a mess! Mr. Ames spent a couple of hours weeding through the legal rumble before he blew his top, and handed it off to one of his fact hounds. It’s all carefully crafted words to absolve themselves of any liable. As for these ‘authors’ and the business itself, keep an eye on your work and you’ll be fine. Never assume anyone has your best interest in mind. Well, except me.
Complain to Amazon…write reviews. With enough bad press, they’ll be forced to throw the ‘authors’ under the bus to save their own skin. |
said this on 13 May 2011 8:02:02 PM CDT
This is breathtakingly disgusting! I hate it. I pay for every story I want to read and think every sale is legit. I can't believe how naive I am even though another favorite author of mine told me this lady who read FREE books from my friend's website for a number of years is now FREELY copying purchased ebooks authored by this friend and making them available to others. What a bitch! I say stop giving us FREE READS! Stop providing these works only to be eventually stolen! I know you're trying to be nice and giving us a free taste to encourage future purchases but forget it. Copyrighted works must be protected and you should do what you have to do! I can't tell you how much this pisses me off! And Amazon is disgusting, as well!
said this on 13 May 2011 8:06:54 PM CDT
Just a thought! If provided with proof that all the works she has presented and has been published is NOT HER WORK, can't that stop Amazon from doing future business with this bitch, "Elizabeth Summers"? Demand her real name, do not accept pen names and force her to prove she is the author? Am I being naive again? Uggggh!
said this on 14 May 2011 5:01:22 PM CDT
What!? Holy crap that's horrible! We authors don’t expect our loyal followers to lift our work so when it happens, we’re crushed. This is one reason I sell e-book format exclusively from my site: I want control. I understand there are other ways for pirates to copy my work but I want to make it a little more difficult for them to do so.
We offer free reads not only for the hope of future sells, but because it’s what we do. Writers write…we test ideas and ask for your honest feedback. Sites like IRE.net also give aspiring writers the chance to fine tune their skills under the watchful eye of seasoned vets. But it also gives the readers a chance to explore new or unfamiliar genres free of charge. This was the case with “Beg Me”. I received a TON of emails from readers who’d never read a Kink based story before, but loved “Beg Me”. Sites like us opening doors…sadly, assholes take advantage of our generosity. Exactly! The only way to force Amazon to get give the ‘authors’ real names and contact info is to put pressure and a shit load of bad press on them. |
said this on 14 May 2011 12:47:12 PM CDT
I get the feeling that this will change IRE.net forever. That worries me a lot
said this on 14 May 2011 3:35:25 PM CDT
Hiya Jennifer. Why does this worry you? Everyone will continue to post...we even have fresh blood joining the nut bunch. With the new site coming online, I don't see massive security changes ahead because my guys run a pretty tight ship as is - meaning they run Copyscape and other detection programs weekly.
You have my word; I won't allow this foolishness to change IRE.net. :) |
said this on 15 May 2011 6:34:02 AM CDT
That is so sad. Well, I know when it comes to photos online, photographers are taking people to court and winning thousands of dollars for damages (per count). If you have a url, you may be able to find out the real name and location of the site owner (whois.net) or at least the name of the site host and domain registrant. Contacting hosts about things like this can shut the websites down if there's enough evidence. Request a "Cease and Desist" (aka C&D) and go through the courts.
*HUGS* |
said this on 15 May 2011 9:01:44 AM CDT
I am absolutely disgusted by this! Just disgusted! As you know, I have been a victim of illegal downloads, for which some violator's have paid a hefty fine for. Yes, I successful found and was able to sue 4 illegal users of "shared" sites for damages! I will definitely sue more if I find out who they are, which isn't as hard as people think. The internet can be your worst enemy no matter how smart you THINK you are. But this is taking it to an entirely different level. It is one thing to have people STEAL your work to share it because they are such a big fan of yours (which I won't even get started on that logic). It is another to STEAL someone's work and pawn it off as ones own to make a profit. I am literally sick to my stomach thinking about this. It is absolutely horrific! I will definitely be getting the word out about this. As always, thanks for bringing light to another crime being committed against authors. |
said this on 15 May 2011 9:38:39 AM CDT
Hi Tracy,
This is bad. YIKES! To remedy the situation, one suggestion might be, if you haven't already, is take this story to your local news stations, radio stations and news papers. The media may listen to you, you're a National Bestselling Author. Plus you know those news hounds can dig up info on anyone. Put this in the Media's hands. They will find a way to expose who this Plagiarist is! I'm sure Amazon and Kindle don't want the negative publicity, either! I will definitely be re-posting this! |
said this on 15 May 2011 10:02:12 AM CDT
This is terrible and becoming all to common. I hope that Amazon yanks everything she put up on there!
said this on 15 May 2011 1:37:25 PM CDT
Tracy if you haven't already, you need to contact the Authors Guild immediately. I am a member by the way. Also look up Victoria Strauss, Ann Crispin, Piers Anthony and other watchdogs because they'll help get the word out. Also, I'd post to Absolute Write Message Board (where news spreads like fire), and I'd contact Jane over at Dear Author because she is great with posting the latest shady things going on in the business and DA can get you TONS of exposure for this news. If it appears on a big site like Dear Author it will get a lot of exposure and this person will be blown out. I'd also contact all reviewers, etc, just because a lot of them with blogs would post about this because most people wanna help expose a thief. Any action you take can help. Contacting the literary watchdogs can give this story major coverage and you can stop this person.
Meanwhile, stay strong. I'm passing this around for you on my end. I'm telling author friends to spread this for you too and not to turn the other cheek. Some folks don't care about stuff until it happens to them but they need to realize this CAN happen to any of us and we should all bring attention to stuff like this for the better of all writers. Best Wishes! Best Wishes! |
said this on 16 May 2011 10:52:28 PM CDT
The word needs to spread. We need to stop people like this Elizabeth Summers. You have excellent ways to do just that. I am off to Absolute Write, Piers Anthony and writers beware... and anywhere else I can help get the warning out.
said this on 15 May 2011 4:08:30 PM CDT
unbelievable, I hope there are some legal ramification not just on the part of this imposter, but on Amazon for harboring these individuals.
said this on 15 May 2011 5:25:03 PM CDT
Be sure to let Literotica know what's going on as well. They're very protective of their writers and might be able to get something going. Much as I hate piracy this is even worse.
said this on 15 May 2011 6:23:33 PM CDT
Those MFS! I'm so sorry to hear about this Tracy! Hell yeah we all need to post, blog, tweet, txt and email as many peeps as we can about these bastards, and hell yeah, Amazon you're weak azz excuses are just plain tired.
said this on 16 May 2011 6:44:26 AM CDT
I'm going to write a blog post about this entire piracy issue for copyrighted works and also what is going on with what you discuss in your article. This is seriously frightening stuff.
said this on 16 May 2011 10:01:36 AM CDT
Well if this ain't some bullsh*t. I'm spreading the word about this. There has to be something that can be done to make Amazon do the right thing. I'm no lawyer, but these "authors" are committing fraud, IMO, and should be dealt with. Amazon is fencing stolen goods by not doing anything.
said this on 16 May 2011 10:02:02 AM CDT
This is horrible and terrifying. Spreading the word.
said this on 16 May 2011 1:43:05 PM CDT
This is nauseating, especially since Amazon blocks me from loading my OWN work for up to two weeks, because they have a used copy of a (5 years out of print) print version of the same book selling via their shops. So, they'll make me jump through a ton of hoops to LEGALLY sell my own work but don't want to respect the copyright of rightful authors? What a crock!
said this on 16 May 2011 2:08:24 PM CDT
Spreading the word! Times are hard enough as it is without someone trying to take what doesn't belong to them and profiting from it.
said this on 16 May 2011 6:21:00 PM CDT
everyone needs to go over and leave a comment about why is this stolen material allowed to be up on amazon
said this on 16 May 2011 6:51:56 PM CDT
Gah so not what i wanted to have to hear today. that is deplorable. First with the inappropriate books on amazon causing them to back track and lose valued customers now this?
I don't understand why they have that clause in and don't protect us hell they take a great percentage of our sales where is the loyalty to what we provide to them, where is the integrity and honesty. What kind of business owner doesn't respect those who make up a good percentage of their dime. I know literotica well there are some fantastic authors but I'm not sure the site protects their work or is it a site that when you post your work automatically becomes theirs, gotta be careful on line where you put your work at too even in blogs at others sites. Grrr Amazon it's not like you don't already rip us off monetary wize now you wanna enable others to steal our creativity and look the other way? |
said this on 16 May 2011 7:54:35 PM CDT
I sent it off to my reader/author loop (Has over 3K members) plus the review place I work for and mentioned it to my two publishers as well. This is awful and I sincerely hope these fake authors get shut down quick.
said this on 16 May 2011 9:18:37 PM CDT
How as readers and buyers of your work stop this from happening to all our authors authors? I want to support our authors and as we don;t know much about publishing, how can we help?
I am so angry that good people who work so hard, and bring such joy into our lives are made victims by theses thieves. This your creative art, and it is not right that they are getting away with this. |
said this on 16 May 2011 11:14:32 PM CDT
This is similar to the Napster fiasco...although worse because Napster simply sold songs that were protected and cut the artists out of the commission loop. Amazon is doing the same thing, but they're taking it a step further,
I want to be part of fixing them mess. |
said this on 16 May 2011 11:34:35 PM CDT
God I feel queasy. Seriously, I'm scared to check her catalogue. I spent years giving away free stories on sites like Lite.erotica. When I first became of a victim of piracy by a long term reader, who admitted freely they put my stuff up on those sites and I should be flattered, I was devastated. But nothing NOTHING compares to this. I need to take a breath. After I do so I will be blogging on thedivaspen about it. Tracy, follow Stacy Deanne's advice. She'd dead on! We need to get this out there! NOW! So sorry it happened to you!
said this on 17 May 2011 1:07:39 AM CDT
Sadly, I bet its not even an individual doing this but a company. I say this because of the volume of work they brazenly stole and because they probably knew, or thought, no one would do anything about it. Getting the word will help and amazon osnt as untouchable as they think. Especially when people stop buying from them
said this on 17 May 2011 11:21:27 AM CDT
I know that RWA made a speech to congress about needing stiffer laws and penalties against piracy but I think in the economic crisies, that piracy took a back seat. I don't imagine that these people will be stealing books being sold by ligitimate publishers from Amazon's regular site because they would stand to lose money themselves. I hope eventually, the publishers find a way to embed a code in their ebooks to disallow multiple downloads.
said this on 17 May 2011 12:57:58 PM CDT
I think the books were yanked"
said this on 17 May 2011 7:54:51 PM CDT
YAY!!! http://www.interracialero tica.net/erotica/blogs/78 8/PLAGIARISM-NEWS-FLASH.h tml
said this on 17 May 2011 7:25:35 PM CDT
I also covered a short blog of this on my weblog. A personal friend of mine who wrote on Literotica had several of his stories sold on Amazon by a woman using, at last count, 10 different pseudonyms. She had compiled enough stories to put out 7 books. Lulu pulled her entire collection after the first complaint, but it took over a month of numerous authors sending in complaints before Amazon finally pulled all 7 books. I don't know if this is the same person or a group of people, but Amazon's entire policy and system needs to be changed. Personally, I would love to see all the authors get together and file a class action lawsuit against Amazon for whatever reason they could come up with that might fly in a court of law. As someone said, if their money is threatened, they'll toss this woman under a bus before they will shell out more money than her stolen works are generating. While I personally have not had my works sold on Amazon (that I'm aware of, that is) I -have- had other websites farm my works and then repost them without my permission. There is a small group of us on an adult literature website that has had 3 websites shut down by their hosting service due to the mass amount of plagiarism that had occurred on the websites.
The thievery needs to stop! I would love to see plagiarizers brought up on real charges of theft just like the common criminals they are. The laws need to be changed. I pour my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears into my work. The fact that someone can come along, steal it, sell it, and claim it as their own is wrong on so many levels it makes me want to scream. There is going to be a link to this post appearing on my article concerning this matter. Thanks for all the information and for all you are doing to help spread the word. |
said this on 18 May 2011 8:10:35 PM CDT
This is just getting out of hand. I don't know if I'm a victim or not. I haven't been out there as a published author that long, but I'm sure my ebooks might be floating on some pirate site. But as someone else said, this is worse. The internet is a dangerous and sick place sometimes.
Gonna spread the word |
said this on 19 May 2011 9:35:09 AM CDT
Holy jumped up Jesus in a nightshirt, this shit is rampant! I had no idea. I will certainly be on the lookout for this kind of crap from now on. So sorry this happened to you, Tracy, you deserve so much better.
said this on 19 May 2011 2:54:45 PM CDT
The only thing I have to say is that some folks are pretty low and rotten.
said this on 19 May 2011 6:21:42 PM CDT
Great article !!
I applaud you for calling out the crook. I myself have had stories stolen its not a good feeling to see someone take credit for it its about money true enough but its also is about principle. |
said this on 12 Jun 2011 10:23:21 PM CDT
OMG. Thanks for the information. It's sad that you can't even put your work out for other's to enjoy.
said this on 06 Jul 2011 12:43:36 AM CDT
Good gracious, this is ridiculous. I have two stories on literotica, not worth stealing but hey who knows what ppl will do. Wow, out and out theft. Well, I'll put this on my blog and pass it on, this totally sucks. I got to watch out for Amazon now, I don't know what I'm downloading and all the money they charge for ebooks, I don't want that to possibly go to a thief.
said this on 29 Nov 2011 9:16:22 AM CDT
I've been researching a book for ten years. I just started writing it. Were I to find out that some fuckwad took a shortcut and copied part or all of my work, I'd go apeshit. Thank G-d for copyright laws, though, because I would own everything that person had.
said this on 19 Dec 2011 10:56:57 AM CDT
Hi. I liked your article. I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind doing an interview on the blog of www.letstalkromance.wordpress.com. It is a blog by and about romance authors/ erotica authors. I think people would like to hear or read what you say about your story. I can send you the questions through email and then you can respond. I would need it by the end of January on January 31, 2012.
I understand about plaigairsm. It takes a toll on the actual writer and the people who buy what they write. Because we don't know that its stolen. So I wanted to know in terms of you having been aware and having been told that they were copying your work and selling it- how often do you think that has happened to you? |