Yesterday’s blog post by R.W. Shannon sparked an interesting conversation amongst a few of my pals and my household. The point about online dating brought up the subject of how cyber meetings have changed the social etiquette of dating; particularly the when it comes to physical appearances.

My girlfriend Jodi brought up a very good point. Often, the chronically single will become stymied by the first impressions. So much so, they may resort to asking for a photograph prior to meeting anyone new. In addition to demonstrating shallowness, this method is simply not a good predictor of the quality of a future relationship.

Looks can be highly deceiving (a can photographs, for that matter), and personalities have the ability to altar perceptions.

Of course you should have standards and everyone has preferences. If we didn’t, this guy would be getting laid! But since we haven’t flushed all our self-respect down the toilet and there’s a ready supply of batteries, he’ll suffer dry balls for all eternity. It simply hasn't gotten that bad yet....

Many of my  friends of both sexes have tried online dating with mixed results. Two of my girlfriends married men they met online and they’re still happy. My male pals haven’t been so lucky. Their biggest complaint goes back to my original comment about appearance. For years ago, men stalked the net collecting hot women have turned the tables and demand hot men!

Good going gals! *high five*

Okay, that’s wrong, but it’s kinda cool to see women no longer hold the monopoly on insecurity about physical appearance. Which leads to my questions:

- Are you less likely to converse with someone based on their looks if they hesitate to surrender a picture of themselves (even though it’s been firmly established that they are who they are)? Do you see them as shallow?

- If the person doesn’t meet all of your standards, how likely are you to compromise if their personality suits you?

- How much does a person’s looks factor into your considering them as a potential spouse?

- If someone you were greatly fond of and clicked with immediately (they’re interested in you as well) declared your appearance was a hindrance to any further relationship, how would you feel and would it modify the value you place on physical appearance?
- What are your deal breakers?

- How greatly does your friends and families opinion of appearance weigh in your search? 
- If a person wanted a picture of you before your first exchange, does that change the way you view them? Does someone’s insistence freak you out? Do you trust their motives or assume they’re looking for a good time?

- Though you question their motives, you give into they're demands. How much of yourself do you REALLY put into the relationship thereafter?

- If given the choice between a person with stunning looks and a lukewarm relationship, and an average person and guaranteed happiness, which would you run after?

Oh snap! I'm in your business!