Hiya Folks!

Tomorrow I'm posting a new short story entitled "House Calls". What began as a friendly challenge between scribblers has morphed into something entirely different.

Let me explain....

According to the folks over at mediabistro.com  who, after analyzing 15,000 Harlequin books, came up with the most popular professions for heroes in romance novels.

1. Doctor
2. Cowboy
3. Boss
4. Prince
5. Rancher
6. Knight
7. Surgeon
8. King
9. Bodyguard
10. Sheriff

No shocker there! Every scribe has picked from the standard issue list at least once in their career....big deal.

The artistry is in steering clear of clichés. This is why the Sherlock Holmes series and TV shows such as House are smash hits. Professionally speaking, they’re cookie-cut characters (medical, law enforcement of sorts) thrown into extraordinary situations. However, it’s their complex, often contradictory personalities we find riveting. It’s the human element.

Personally, I love it when characters go off the rails! Flip the script - let the heroine do the chasing.  If Prince Charming is too boring, give him a foot fetish. Cookie-cut professions are fine as long as there's depth. No one remembers stock, paint by numbers characters, period!

Anyway, my challenge was to write a medical tale devoid of the typical “Susie, your cheeks are quite rosy, young lady. Come here. Doctor Bob has just what you need. Take off that shirt and show me those boobs!” sorta bollocks.

No problem! I turned on Helicopter Girl's Satan’s Seventh Bride and finished the rough draft overnight. The next morning, I gave it to Daniel to check for plot gaps (it’s a process). He returned it hours later marked with a big happy face and a few notes in the margin.  Two drafts and a fight with my fellow scribes later, I have decided to post the story for all to see.

Gotta run and ask (beg) Lydia to edit it for me. Lydia, I know you're reading this. :)

Waiting to get the edits from lovely Lydia...she's been an absolute gem. I made a few changes (as usual) so the draft was a late send. :)