You guys are going to think I’ve gone crazy-er. I have a new addiction. Rips Candy! They’re bite size pieces of really sour licorice. Holy cow they’re good and their distributed from Iowa!

Momma Ames took BC to Walgreen’s the other day and, somehow, he came home with a bag. After eating a couple and thoroughly burning his tongue, I inherited the bag and he went back to eating sour grass (don’t ask).

Anyway, Greg purchased every bag on the shelf and I’ve eaten so many my tongue is raw. It’s bloody painful! Now I know how BC feels when something burns his tongue.

Other than that, we’re adjusting to country life. Zora and BC have their quirks but she’s an excellent teacher. BC’s adding and subtracting is coming along well…too well. We can’t get anything over on him anymore. He’s even learned his French numbers up to twenty…and thanks to the botany exchange students working on the farm, he’s learned Japanese numbers also.

Well, I’m off to do something about my tongue. It feels like its bleeding. I really should get a new addiction. Yikes!