Hello folks.

I wanted to give you a heads up. I'm pulling the plug for a while. I'm really up against it and I need to clear my head before my writing takes a hit...well, anymore than it already has with me having so many irons in the fire.

Daniel's in Switzerland and Lydia is working on another project so I'll be proofing until I find another on-line editor. Scary, right? On the admin side of the fence, Grip has the wheel. All site related questions should be directed to him via my email.

Chat soon.

Wow! Thanks for your emails. I’ve never felt so much love. Just to put your minds at ease, I’m not throwing in my pen, suicidal, depressed, divorcing, or dying. I have publishing deadlines, I'm co-writing two books, and my Dad is recovering from neck surgery.

I’m still around but I’m taking my hands off the wheel. The next installment of TCNN will be available this week. I’d like to give a big hug to Sherece, she offered to proof until I secure an online editor. Thanks Sherece!

I’m never pushing myself as hard as I did earlier this year. No amount of ‘fame’ is worth working yourself to collapse. I’ll be in & out on the site and FB. Drop me a line.